How to Be a Bookie: Learn the Lingo

On March 6, 2012, in Bookie Advice, by admin

Lingo for BookiesMany people think working in the gambling world sounds incredibly exciting, and thus, they try to find out anything and everything they can about how to be a bookie for real. The truth is, however, that little progress can actually be made toward becoming a bookie if you don’t know what you’re talking about. That’s right— in this industry you have to be able to talk the talk, even if you aren’t quite ready to walk the walk. So start taking those first steps toward making your bookie dreams come true by learning the lingo and talking like a pro.

One term that every aspiring bookie needs to know is “chasing.” Chasing is a term applied to player activity, one that is completed when a person is losing big and, in an attempt to win back his or her money, simply places more bets. For the record, this usually isn’t the world’s smartest strategy, though it does occasionally work, but it is a great way for bookies to rack up a lot of cash from just one player.

Another important term to be aware of for those just learning how to be a bookie is “stuck.” When you hear a gambler or another bookie say that someone is “stuck” for a certain amount, you should know that this means the player is out or has lost that amount. A player who has lost a hundred dollars for example, is stuck for a hundred dollars. You might sometimes come across a player who is stuck for a dime. If you hear this phrase, don’t just assume the player is out ten cents. In the gambling word, a dime means one thousand dollars.

Another term you need to know is “wise guy,” which is a gambler who is incredibly smart and crafty at what he or she does. For you, as a bookie, these are the players you will want to watch out for as they can end up costing you big. You also need to be aware of the term “chalk,” which Is used to describe the favored or winning team, and you should know that a “dollar” in the gambling world means one hundred dollars. Likewise, “fifty cents” is fifty dollars.

The final two terms that you should know to get you successfully started include “sharp,” which refers to a very sophisticated and knowledgeable gambler, similar to the “wise guy” definition explained above. On the opposite end of the spectrum, you have your “squares,” who are novice, rookie bettors. Squares are the ones you want and are well worth any aggravation they cause through inexperience by losing lots of money.


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